Tuesday, March 4, 2014

4 Weeks Remaining -March 2, 2104

March 2, 2014

So this week went pretty good.

We've recently started meeting with a Sister Xu. She met missionaries on the street in a different part of Taipei. Then the sister missionaries here called her at like 10:00 pm one night and tried to setup a time to meet her. At first, she was going to say no and then was like, “Wow, you guys have it rough…. 10:00 at night and you’re still calling people. Then the sisters were like, “No, this makes us happy doing this stuff.” She was like, “Wow I want that kind of happiness.” So she set up a time to meet. Since she lives in our area, we've been meeting with her (at a 2 story Mcdonalds...) She's really good - prays and reads and has a strong desire to get an answer. Plus she already believes in God, so that makes it a million times easier.

We also met again with the less active that used to be really solid in the church. He wants to come back, but just needs some friends in the ward. So this week we brought the elders’ quorum president and that went good. We couldn't understand part of it though because they started talking in Taiwanese to each other. But they are friends now and he promised to come to church at least once before I go home. 

This week we got two less actives to come to church and a guy we met on the street 2 transfers ago came as well.

We've also recently been setting up lots of less actives and then inviting the home teachers to accompany us with the lesson. This has helped a lot. Almost no one in Taiwan does home teaching except like the leaders. (home teaching is when each person is assigned to visit certain families or individuals each month to make sure they are doing ok. Then if there is any problems or needs that can get help from the people in the ward.) You know how like every month the ward has a percentage of how much home teaching they do? Our ward had been getting 5% percent month...yep not too great huh? After we've started to help, it got up to 12% last month. So yeah lots of work to do…. so many problems could be solved with less actives and lots of baptisms would be a result if home teaching got done.

But yeah anyways that’s what’s up out here.
Elder Chatman

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